Chemotherapy toxicity - #37
Review toxic affects of chemo therapy on geriatric patients.
Should your patient have that oncology intervention? - #36
Diagnostic testing and treatment are determined based on ability to improve disease process or quality of life/goals of care.
The 4Ms of Age Friendly Healthcare Delivery: Medications - #104
Medications is one of the 4Ms of an Age-Friendly healthcare system.
Assessment of Older Adults with Abdominal Pain in the Emergency Department: 10 Key Points - #57
Develop a comprehensive approach to the timely evaluation of older adults with abdominal pain in the ED.
Fluoroscopy - #30
Learn necessary positioning and mobility requirements for geriatric patients undergoing a fluoroscopic study.
Pharmacologic Aspects of Renal Drug Clearance - #7
Review pharmacologic aspects of renal drug clearance.