Diagnosing Dementia in Acutely Ill

Diagnosing Dementia in Acutely Ill - #11

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Factors that may be clues to underlying dementia in acutely delirius patients. 

Cognitive Assessment of the Acutely Ill Elderly Patient.

Using history taking and physical exam skills to determine underlying cognition in acutely ill elderly patients.

  1. Identify the association between dementia and delirium.
  2. Recognize the increased morbidity and mortality of patients with delirium.
  3. List practical strategies to determining whether an acutely ill patient has an underlying dementia.
  1. Francis J. Delirium in older patients. Journal of American Geriatric Society 1992; 40:82.
  2. Inouye SK. Delirium in older persons. N England J Med. 2006; 354:115.
  3. McCusker J, Cole M, Abrahamowicz M, Primeau F, Belzile E. Delirium predicts 12-month mortality. Arch Intern Med. 2002;162(4):457-63.
This GFF ___ my competence in geriatrics.

Kathryn Denson, MD, John Petronovich, Bambi Wessel

Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin