Patient Care

Power of Attorney for Health Care - #62

Advance Directives - #61

Medical Decision-making Capacity Assessment - #60

Assessment of an Older Emergency Department Patient – 10 Key Points - #58

Assessment of Older Adults with Abdominal Pain in the Emergency Department: 10 Key Points - #57

Osteoporosis Treatment - #56

Acute Ischemic Stroke - #54

Inappropriate Sexual Behavior (ISB) and the Dementia Patient. - #53

Perioperative nerve injury prevention - #52

Introduction to Quality Improvement - #50

Introduction to Patient Safety - #47

Assessment and Prevention of Delirium in ICU - #46

Frailty in the ICU - #45

Driving Evaluation Tools - #42

Long Term Care Services - #41

Treating Insomnia - #40

Etiologies of Anemia - #39

Fluoroscopy - #30

Should your Patient have that Cardiac Intervention? - #26

Home Care Services - #25

Home Safety Evaluation: Can I send this patient home? - #22

Non-Vertigo Dizziness - #21

Cardiac Causes of Syncope - #20

Vertigo and Complaints of Dizziness - #19

Cerumen Impaction Management - #18