Pharmacologic Aspects of Renal Drug Clearance

Pharmacologic Aspects of Renal Drug Clearance - #7

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Review pharmacologic aspects of renal drug clearance.

Patient in a hospital or other healthcare facility.

Elderly patient requires pharmacotherapy.

  1. To ascertain patient’s current renal function prior to adding/changing pharmacotherapy.
  2. To recognize common adverse effects by drug type/class related to renal function.
  1. National Chronic Kidney Disease Fact Sheet
  2. Online Geriatrics Curriculum - American Society of Nephrology
  3. Zhou XJ, Rakheja D, Yu X, Saxena R, Vaziri, ND, Silva FG. The Aging Kidney. Kidney International (2008) 74(6):710–720.
  4. PHARMACIST’S LETTER / PRESCRIBER’S LETTER, September 2007 ~ Volume 23 ~ Number 230907, Treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus 2006 ~Volume 22(11) ~ Number221103
This GFF ___ my competence in geriatrics.

Edmund Duthie, MD, Christopher J Anderson, Brahm Vasudev

Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.