Interpreting Echocardiographic Changes

Interpreting Echocardiographic Changes - #24

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Learn practical interpretations of echocardiographic changes.

Elderly patient seen in an outpatient or inpatient setting, and an echo has been obtained or will be obtained.

Determine significance of echocardiographic changes in an aging heart. What is normal, and what is not normal aging of the heart?

  1. List the echocardiographic changes that occur in the aging heart.
  2. Describe how these changes are reflected in echocardiographic parameters.
  3. Explain the implications of echocardiographic changes to morbidity and mortality.
  1. Leibowitz D, Gilon D. Echocardiography and the Aging Heart. Current Cardiovascular Imaging           Reports 2012; 5(6):501-506.
  2. Brocklehurst’s textbook of geriatric medicine and gerontology. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders/Elsevier. 2010.
  3. Shioi T, Inuzuka Y. Aging as a substrate for heart failure. J Cardiol 2012; 60(6): 423-8.
  4. Pugh K, Wei J. Clinical Implications of Physiological Changes in the Aging Heart. Drugs & Aging 2001; 18(4):263-76.
This GFF ___ my competence in geriatrics.

Nicholas Dreger, Guru Krishnan, Kathryn Denson, Catharine Malmsten

Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin